Taranaki Tandem Tour


16 - 23 December, 2011



Annette and Steve, along with Lynn & JB, and Jeanette & Keith, took their UK friends Verna & Phil to one of ACTA's favourite parts of NZ : Taranaki.

Here are a few photos of their travels.




The mandatory pre-tour shot.

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Keith                           JB                       Steve                            Phil                Verna                 Jeanette            Lynn

Photo : Annette







Enjoying the sunshine on Te Rewa Rewa Bridge.

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Photo : Annette









Head winds near  Pungarehu.

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Photographer puts life at risk to get shot of fast moving peleton.

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After a hard day's riding there is always a good meal.

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Getting in to a climb near Pihama.

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Annie and Keith.

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Looks like Conductor JB is about to make music, as he waves his baton over his lunch.
The left hand is asking for it to be played pianissimo.

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An appropriate name for a 'Naki Café.

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Down, down, down and up!  up!  up!

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Looks like Mr Eaves lost interest a while ago at Otakeho.

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Here they come!!!

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Keith the Kid, in the Reading Room at Tangahoe Valley Road.

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Tangahoe Bridge a bit east of Hawera.

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I spy with my little eye, something beginning with, "O R"

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Or WiFi Loos??







These days "Hand Made" seems to be the advertising guru's choice.
Bakery at Hawera.

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Photo : Annette








"And down here, if you look very closely,  you will see the Lesser-Tailed, Pink, 'Naki koura."

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Taranaki from Nowell's Lakes south east of Hawera.

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Taranaki overlooks Hawera on a perfect day.

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Ooooops!  There's something in the water.

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"OK!!  You GO your way!"

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Dawson Falls

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New Plymouth camping ground pohutukawa in full bloom.

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Looks like Phil and Verna have enjoyed the delights of Taranaki.

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Photo : Annette









Photos : Jeanette, apart from those that are not hers.







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